The Final Countdown…

The hours tick down as we ready ourselves to leave this incredible island paradise and return home to Australia.

It’s been an incredible 5 months here in Bali and we could never have imagined the laughter and adventure that was bestowed upon us during our stay.

Amazing friends, astonishing food, bizzarre tales of the strange and unexpected. This island home that has opened it’s arms and embraced us so lovingly and now, forever blessed us with the next generation of Adventurers Extraordinaire.

This journey has been beyond our wildest dreams and in 5 months from now, a new adventure awaits us at home (technically, still in Fiona’s belly).

But for now, I guess our time has come. Our bags are packed, it’s time to leave the island.

Jeff Probst has donned his blue shirt and snuffed out our torch…

Justin and Fiona…the tribe has spoken.

Thank you Bali…we love you LONG TIME 🙂

No ‘Sex’ For Us Anymore

Fellow Adventurers,

As I’m sure many of you may already be aware of the accidental and somewhat suggestive and risqué address of our blog’s website…

And for those of you who may not have ever noticed it before (thank god your mind was never in the gutter), it reads like there is a very seductive and eye-catching SEX in the middle. And on top of that, it looks like ADVENTURE SEX, to boot!

(Which frankly, if you’re gonna do it, it’s the absolute and best kind).

But just so we don’t cast the wrong kind of impression on the impressionable youth of today or the judgemental frowns of yesteryear, I’ve managed to bring everything across to our brand new blogsite web address at…


Sex or No sex…I hope you continue to tune in, and be satisfied by our adventurous exploits.

(And I mean that in the best possible “G-rated” way) 🙂

And so…it begins!

Bags are packed and we’re ready to go. One more sleep until we head off on our wild and crazy adventure in Bali. Five months in paradise, hard I know, but what else can we do? We made a pact to never be “ordinary”, and so it goes, we must venture off into the wild blue yonder, exploring new worlds and adventuring into the unknown. What lies ahead, we have no idea, but there’s an air of excitement and trepidation, at least, I think that’s what that smell is? And all I can think as I look into the beautiful brown eyes of the love of my life is…look out world, here we come!