Familiar Faces Old & New

Any chance to upgrade from a “dining-for-one” experience, is a welcome opportunity in Bali.  And it’s always great to catch up with a familiar face, and even meet new ones.  This morning I met up with Sally McAuliffe (our lovely photographer friend we met during the Ubud Writers Festival), and her equally lovely husband, Tom, who in terms of “top blokes I’ve met around the world”…goes…“straight, to the pool room”.

We met for breakfast at Biku, and caught up on all our adventures and discussed the latest movies. Although, Sally and Tom live near the beach in Timor, and only have electricity at night, so they haven’t really seen anything beyond 1997!!

But we did have a great chat about Eckhart Tolle, author of such books as The Power Of NOW, Practicing The Power of NOW and A New Earth. Come to think of it, I have a great title for another book in the series, It’s NOW or Never. And if you’re familiar with the concepts, then that title is pretty apt 🙂

“Ahh, I love the smell of philosophy in the morning.”

(Dibs on that title myself, if Eckhart doesn’t use it).

All-in-all it was great to meet and catch up, and hopefully our paths will cross again someday in the future…ah, I meanNOW?

